the cowboy
"It took me a long time, but I found my way back to God. He has me, it's alright now, I lean into Him." Cowboy said as he sat waiting in the food pantry line.
"But how did you find that in the struggle? How do you feel that way?" I inquired.
"He gave it to me, He gave me that faith...and I just hold on." he replied.
"Yeah, but..." I interrupted and then stopped. Cowboy smiled and continued.
"You see, it's the one thing the world can never give you and the one thing the world can never take away from you." said with a quiet assurance while he waited for his turn for food.
"That is profound." I said and then we were quiet because that kind of wisdom deserves to held in silent reverence.
(story shared with permission)
If you would like to donate or help at The Food Pantry, you can reach the kind folks at St. Thomas Epsicopal here.