the kindness elders...
"Kindness heals, you know. You can't have hate and kindness in the same room, at some point, one's gotta go."
-Rosa Jiggetts, kindness pioneer
We try to meet every week, some days I just wish we were neighbors so I could sit at their kitchen tables in the wee morning hours lingering too long over tea and truth. Karen and Rosa are my kindness elders. There are more stories in their little pinkies than I have in my whole body...stories of service, holding neighborhoods together, caring for the dying, loving the misunderstood, holding space for people to grow and learn, empowering the forgotten, believing in a city, deep and wise compassion, rooted faith and trust...these women RVA, are your kindness elders.
There are more stories to come on Human KIND from their lives and call, but also opportunity. Rosa spent the last 12 years requesting and securing a city ordinance in RVA for Be Kind Wednesdays. Every Wednesday every citizen is asked and encouraged to do one act of kindness or an hour of volunteering.
After that she decided she'll work on Obama and call the UN...these women are a force. More to come but for now, citizens of the human race, will you do an act of kindness today?
If you do and would like to share a picture on social media, please tag it #bekindRVA or #bekindworld and you can follow along on Be Kind Wednesdays on Facebook.